Iconic memory
Iconic memory

This finding is consistent with previous studies of a similar kind (e.g.,Ĭattell, 1886), and suggests that whole report is limited by a memory system with a Observers were typically able to recollect four to fiveĬharacters, irrespective of how many other characters were present within theĭisplay. In the whole report condition observers were asked to recall as many elements from

iconic memory

Memory performance was compared under two conditions, referred to as whole report and partial report. In Sperling's (1960) experiments, observers were presented for a short period of time with displays composed of between 3 and 16 alphanumeric characters.


In an elegant series of experiments, Sperling (1960) investigated and confirmed this bipartite model of memory.

iconic memory

Provided the sensory trace decayed with sufficient speed, at the point of recall observers would only have the contents of the second, longer-lived, but lower capacity memory store available for report.

iconic memory

These two observations can be reconciled if it is assumed that visual memory consists of two parts: one, a rich, but rapidly decaying sensory trace of the entire stimuli display and two, a short-term memory store of lower capacity, able to retain its contents over several seconds. Although recollection of four-to-five alphanumeric characters can commonly be reported after a single brief exposure (e.g., James McKeen Cattell, 1886), observers have frequently reported the phenomenal impression of many more elements immediately after display presentation (e.g., Gill & Dallenbach, 1926).

Iconic memory